Child Find and Early Steps
(free early intervention programs)
Child Find - For Children Ages 3- 5 years old:
FDLRS Child Find assists in the location, identification, evaluation and initiation of appropriate education or other needed services for children and youth, birth through 21 years of age who have, or are at risk of developing, special or unique needs and are not enrolled in public school. FDLRS supports the following activities to support early childhood education:
To Request a Screening Appointment FDLRS PAEC provides screenings to children 3- 5 years old, who have never attended public school. For children already enrolled in public school or over the age of 6, please contact the school district ESE office in your county of residence.
Contact Information Child Find Consultants
Jennifer Adams - 850-638-6131 Ext. 2310 - [email protected]
Beth Johnson - 850-638-6131 Ext. 2310 - [email protected]
FDLRS Child Find assists in the location, identification, evaluation and initiation of appropriate education or other needed services for children and youth, birth through 21 years of age who have, or are at risk of developing, special or unique needs and are not enrolled in public school. FDLRS supports the following activities to support early childhood education:
- Support transition at age three and implementation of the statewide system to measure child outcomes through facilitating collaboration among school districts, the Early Steps program, the Technical Assistance and Training System (TATS) for programs serving prekindergarten children with disabilities, and other early education and care programs in the community.
- Provide developmental screenings to identify children birth to five years of age who are at-risk or may qualify for services related to exceptional student education using the Children’s Registry and Information System (CHRIS) to document screenings, referrals for evaluations, evaluation outcomes, placement decisions, and transition from the Early Steps program to prekindergarten programs for children with disabilities at age three.
- Support awareness of materials and provide/facilitate training opportunities related to child development and developmentally appropriate practices.
- Locate children attending nonpublic schools needing exceptional student education.
To Request a Screening Appointment FDLRS PAEC provides screenings to children 3- 5 years old, who have never attended public school. For children already enrolled in public school or over the age of 6, please contact the school district ESE office in your county of residence.
Contact Information Child Find Consultants
Jennifer Adams - 850-638-6131 Ext. 2310 - [email protected]
Beth Johnson - 850-638-6131 Ext. 2310 - [email protected]
Early Steps - For Children Ages Birth to 36 Months:
Children ages birth to 36 months are referred to the statewide Early Steps Early Intervention Program. If your child currently receives early intervention services, the Early Steps Transition C to B document will explain the steps in this process.
Early Steps is Florida's early intervention system that offers services to eligible infants and toddlers, age birth to 36 months, who have or are at-risk for developmental disabilities or delays. Early intervention supports families and caregivers to increase their child’s participation in daily activities and routines that are important to the family
Positive early learning experiences are crucial for later success in school, the workplace, and the community. Research shows that children’s earliest experiences play a critical role in brain development.
15 Local Early Steps (LES) throughout the state receive referrals from various primary referral sources. Infants and toddlers are assessed in the following developmental domains to determine eligibility: physical, cognitive, communication, social-emotional and adaptive.
Each child receives an Individualized Family Support Plan (IFSP) that meets his or her unique needs. Families also receive support to develop the skills and confidence needed in helping their child learn and develop.
Services will support children in their communities where they live, learn and play.
There is no income requirement to qualify for the program and although families may choose to allow access to insurance or Medicaid benefits, families are not charged for services.
Florida’s Early Steps
Early Steps honors the cultures and values of families, and we help them build on each child’s individual strengths and unique needs.
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For more information visit our website. To make a referral to Early Steps, contact the Local Early Steps program serving your area or call (800) 218-0001.
State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP)Early Intervention programs nationally are required to develop a State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP). This is a multi-year plan that began July 2013 and will continue through June 2019. The purpose of the Florida Early Steps SSIP plan is to implement effective, sustainable policies and practices at the state and local levels to positively impact social-emotional development for infants and toddlers with disabilities ages 0 to 36 months.
SSIP Fact Sheet
Early Steps State Systemic Improvement Plan
Learn how Early Steps is improving services for Florida families.
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Children ages birth to 36 months are referred to the statewide Early Steps Early Intervention Program. If your child currently receives early intervention services, the Early Steps Transition C to B document will explain the steps in this process.
Early Steps is Florida's early intervention system that offers services to eligible infants and toddlers, age birth to 36 months, who have or are at-risk for developmental disabilities or delays. Early intervention supports families and caregivers to increase their child’s participation in daily activities and routines that are important to the family
Positive early learning experiences are crucial for later success in school, the workplace, and the community. Research shows that children’s earliest experiences play a critical role in brain development.
15 Local Early Steps (LES) throughout the state receive referrals from various primary referral sources. Infants and toddlers are assessed in the following developmental domains to determine eligibility: physical, cognitive, communication, social-emotional and adaptive.
Each child receives an Individualized Family Support Plan (IFSP) that meets his or her unique needs. Families also receive support to develop the skills and confidence needed in helping their child learn and develop.
Services will support children in their communities where they live, learn and play.
There is no income requirement to qualify for the program and although families may choose to allow access to insurance or Medicaid benefits, families are not charged for services.
Florida’s Early Steps
Early Steps honors the cultures and values of families, and we help them build on each child’s individual strengths and unique needs.
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For more information visit our website. To make a referral to Early Steps, contact the Local Early Steps program serving your area or call (800) 218-0001.
State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP)Early Intervention programs nationally are required to develop a State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP). This is a multi-year plan that began July 2013 and will continue through June 2019. The purpose of the Florida Early Steps SSIP plan is to implement effective, sustainable policies and practices at the state and local levels to positively impact social-emotional development for infants and toddlers with disabilities ages 0 to 36 months.
SSIP Fact Sheet
Early Steps State Systemic Improvement Plan
Learn how Early Steps is improving services for Florida families.
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